Sunday, May 30, 2010


I will be honest... I celebrate Memorial Day by eating hotdogs and cheering that the pool is open. I don't come from a military household. Both of my grandfathers fought in wars (I think) but my Dad didn't, and my Uncle didn't (again... I think?) Obviously veterans, war, armies... all hot topics in my household growing up. So Memorial Day was about... hot dogs... pools... days off of school/work.

My friend Andi and I met a couple years ago through another friend. We share parenting styles, a love of photography and my little pony, and sense of humor. I joke we're cut from the same bolt of fabric, just from different corners. Andi is a military wife. I have to say, pretty much everything I know about modern military life, I know from Andi. And she's not a sugar-coater. When she gets fierce about something, she's fierce. If she wants you to understand something, she'll help you understand. I don't envy her life, but I can see how happy the good times are to her.

Where am I going with this? I woke up Sunday still in poison ivy agony. Even with the prednizone (?) pills, and the three different anti-itch creams I was taking... I was still itcy. Out of my skin itchy. And the rash was spreading, now to the palms, yes folks the PALMS, of my hands. Then Olivia's eye swelled up again, and after a confirmation phone call to Karen that made it ok for me to go to Urgent Care (ony our third visit to a doctor in two weeks) I headed off for a shot of cortizone (?) in my rear. On the way to the Urgent Care, across the street in the fields of Westerville Park, were lines and lines and lines of flags. Because the trip was impromptu, I didn't have my camera. I swore I'd go back when the sun was lower, and the heat less.

The flags made me think of Andi. And of the sacrifices those men and women make for us. The ones that go to war... the ones that stay home. There are 2,000 flags planted in the park, and a recreated Vietnam Veteren wall in the back corner. Each flag has a zip-tied message to them. Some made me cry. I went intending to stay for 15, mabe 20 minutes. I got there at 8pm. I stayed until 10pm. If you live here, you should go see it.














Thank you.



Andi @ Love Like Crazy said...

These are AWESOME!

Would you be willing to guest blog them on my military family blog?

Let me know. (You can leave the part about me out, though...LOL!)

This was AMAZING!

Purple Platypus Pictures said...

Of course!! With or without you in it ;)