Monday, September 7, 2009

away to Cleveland

So if you remember far enough back, in the middle of August I had to travel to Cleveland for some training at my other job. I was so thrilled for the two nights by myself in a hotel room. Honestly, I think every mom should do that... spend two nights away at a hotel - no computers, no work, no children, no husbands... just do whatever you want for yourself for a couple days. What did I do? I read and ate chinese. And that was about it. And I loved every minute of it.

229 of 365: Sookie Stackhouse, where have you been all my life??
I read the first two book and about half of the third book in the Sookie Stackhouse series while in Cleveland. I've since read the seven I had in my set, and now need to go buy the other two to read them. Its like crack!

230 of 365: You call that a reciept!?
I could expense everything I ate while in Cleveland. But the only food around was a Subway next door, and a Dairy Queen across the street. I drove around forever the second day to find anything different... and found a hole in the wall Chinese restaraunt. That proceeded to give me that as a reciept. So much for expensing that.

231 of 365: Happy Birthday to Me
I drove home on my birthday, and was greated with a rose. I'm 28 now... in case you were wondering ;)


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