Tuesday, September 1, 2009

lets start playing catch-up

If you follow me on facebook, you've seen that I'm editting like a fiend! I really am too - and making a huge dent in all the sessions I've had, plus the 365. I can't believe how many days I have to post from that (to give you an idea, today is day 244... remember that when you see what number I post today!) Well talking about how far behind I am isn't going to catch me up any, so here goes!!

218 of 365: Lets go to the zoo
One of the photographers on a message board I belong to happened to come to Ohio (she was visiting from Wisconsin) and we met up at the zoo. It was a lot of fun, though my kids melted down at the sight of everyone elses food. I shoulda seen that coming though.

219 of 365: Don't even try to cheer me up
Claires napping badly. Don't come over around 1pm.

You saw 220 in the last post.

221 of 365: Pretty Portraits
Why oh why do I attempt to have sessions with the girls?? Cookies... tongues... a rubber sheep... yep makes for a great portrait of the girls.

222 of 365: Now thats a portrait!
I wanted to practice before Kristins senior session (where I knew she wanted studio pics) and for whatever reason, Olivia cooperated. Sure she was in pj's, but when the opportunity knocks, by golly you answer that door!! Here's another from the session

223 of 365: Oh what sleep deprivation does to us
Not sure why I took this image, but I do remember that I snapped it right before going to bed.

224 of 365: Thats some mean hair Lady!
Obviously from before the haircut. Luckily her hair doesn't really do this anymore.


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