Sunday, November 15, 2009

Trick or Treat... almost a month later

Okay so I have this weird obsession with wanting the girls match at Halloween. Last year, when Olivia was a pirate, Claire was a parrot. This year I searched out forever to find the perfect matchy outfit again. And what did I determine??


I'd rather the girls not match in favor of neither of them looking slutty. What happened to Halloween?!!? I'm all for college students and older wanting to look like sluts at Halloween. Heck, I guess I can look the other way when a high schooler does it. But my three year old?? Does a lady bug really need to be a skimpy top with a tutu?? Should Dorothy's dress really hit that high above the knee??? Really??????

So this year, the girls were both animals, and thats about where the matching ended. Olivia was a tiger, Claire a bunny, and they Trick or Treated with Aunt Hal....I mean Michael Jackson.


Now Michael Jackson kept putting her hand on Claires head, which made Karen and I wish that maybe we had dressed Claire has a Monkey (Bubbles anyone?) or worse, a little boy (I know, boo hiss, but admit it you at least chuckled)





Oh lordy I gave Claire creepy eyes in this one... not intentional mind you!



We got lots of people who though Claire was Eeyore. I guess I can see it - she's blue with floppy ears, but check out the rump people - totally a bunny!


Even Nubie got in on the dressing up. Cracked me up!

But the girls did really really well (especially given their Boo at the Zoo experience) They walked a pretty far distance, and had no real candy meltdowns. We headed back to the grandparents for some milk, pizza, and of course, lots and lots of candy. It was the first time I really got to see the girls have a major sugar buzz going. Impressive. It's just a snapshot, but the two of them hopped on sugar at the end of the night

302 of 365: Spooooooky

I have to say though, thank God that's all over, and the candy is gone and the decorations are down... I can only take Halloween for so long. Now bring on Christmas!


1 comment:

Andi @ Love Like Crazy said...

YAY for crazy bunny eyes! ;)

They both looked so cute! :)