Alright, so this pony comes with a story. It's a long one, so I'll try to abbreviate. Most of my friends agree that I *love* brown balloons. And by love, I mean loathe. Actually, after all these years, I kind of enjoy them... but at the time this all started... well....
It all started at the second annual My Little Pony Convention (Yes, there's conventions. Yes I have gone to them. I actually was on the convention staff for 4 years. I have no shame here.) So I'm friends with Holly, who at the time was on the staff of the convention, and she invites me along to help with setup. There were two people blowing up balloons, and two people hanging them, and myself running in between the sets of people handing off balloons. Somewhere in the process, someone inflated a brown balloon.
Now if you know me, you know that once I get started ranting, I'm off and ranting. So I start ranting about the brown balloons. I mean really, what is the purpose of a brown balloon? When I buy myself an assorted package of rainbow colored balloons, should I really be finding brown in there? Am I graduating from some high school with brown as one of my school colors? Or at a clowns funeral? Because if not, I can't find a reason for brown to be appropriate. I rant like that for the entire time we're setting up. My friend Slugs husband (yes her name is slug) who was also helping out, found me amusing, and during the actual convention rounded up all the brown balloons, and (unknown to me) hung them all at my stall. And managed to photograph me with them.
she always reminds me of napoleon icecream. this one I actually like.
no beating shall be administered today.
I have always loved her shimmery goodness. <3
I really need to jump on the 'blog Holly ponies' bandwagon...*goes to take photos*
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