Wednesday, March 4, 2009

because Holly is insane

Holly has decided she is an uninspiring MLP customizer... which is nuts. I love her stuff (she'll say its because I'm her friend... well yeah, and because she's amazing!) and I do think she goes unrecognized more often then she should. So I'm going to photograph some of my fav Hollys. Starting with my most recent... My first 'commission' (I put that in quotes, because really, other then "Hey I'd like a custom with a lamb and a bunny," Holly had free reign. Because I trust her)

How is this uninspiring!? Look at all that scrolling!

Even the lamb has a teeny tiny platypus!!! The detail is crazy!!
Holly, you are insane!! Love you!

1 comment:

jupiternwndrlnd said...

*stands with her arms crossed*

could be better.

*starts to pick apart flaws in work*