Friday, March 6, 2009

man he puts up with a lot

Ok, so the reason I photographed Tim a couple days ago, was because I wanted a shot of his eyes. I love Tims eyes. Claire has Tims eyes. They change color a lot. Usually they're green, but depending on anything from his shirt to his mood, they can turn a slatey grey or even a rich blue. Tim is also incredibly blind. His prescription is so bad, he has to buy the really expensive kinds of lenses that are super incredibly easy to scratch - because the normal lenses are too heavy for frames.

I've obviously been fascinated by Tims eyes for some time... there's a framed photo in our hallway that I took of Tim when we were in college for a photography assignment... its similar to these... close up, no glasses... just eyes.

I'm also just plain eager to photograph someone other then the girls. Don't get me wrong - I love and adore them and love and adore photographing them... I just like the challenge of someone new (which, if you're reading this and thinking "Heck, I have an afternoon where I'm not doing anything and wouldn't mind blowing an hour of my time with Heather" email me! You don't have to buy a thing... trust me, it would not be wasting my time. I love the practice! Plus you'll most likely end up on the blog LOL!)

So here's a couple more from Tims modeling session. Which, by the way, he hates doing - but does it because he loves me (awwww)


1 comment:

music theory mommy said...

me me me! i wanna spend an afternoon with can photog me and the kids if you just have to come to WI :P