Sunday, March 29, 2009

Haley and Me

I can finally show off these photos!! I think my little sister is gorgeous, and have wanted to 'seriously' photograph her for a while. I say seriously, because her idea of me photographing her, and my idea of photographing her are much different.

Mine: some great close ups of her gorgeous face... maybe some pull backs that are fun and goofy...ect.

Haleys: Purse my lips and hold up a peace sign... I'm hanging upside down!! ect...

For Karen's birthday, I got in cohoots with Aunt Sue to get Haley out of the house, and into a park like setting where I could photograph her. I 'broke' into my parents house to get Haley some nicer clothes, and we were off on our secret mission. Haley did really well for me! I went with the 'lets do my idea, then we'll do yours, then we'll do mine again' approach with her, and it seemed to work out great! I love the photos we got, and Karen did too! (YAY!)







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1 comment:

jupiternwndrlnd said...

they really did turn out great!
and i love the collage ^_^