Monday, March 2, 2009

Going on record that I got a Pullip

So, my friend Mandy collects Pullips. It's a japenese doll, that people collect like crazy (kind of like MLPs, or Beanie Babies, or whatever else someone collects.) When I first saw one, I thought it was UGly. Majorly. Then Holly got one. And then two. And then 5. Day after day of seeing the dolls... well... they started growing on me. The main thing collectors seem to do with the dolls is take photos of them. Well heck, I love to take photos of things... I might need me one of these dolls!

So anyways, I got one... and I've already started photographing the heck out of her. I promised Tim I would not buy any more (which I wouldn't anyways... they can be pricey, and its much easier to just change the wigs on the doll you have to create a 'new' doll.) For those in the know, my pullip is a customized My Melody, who I'm calling Jubilee.


jupiternwndrlnd said...

yay! she is just adorable! welcome to the dolly world! we have cute shoes ^^ we will have to all get together and take group shots!

music theory mommy said...

ok...i swear you people are trying to suck me in to! nooooooooooooooo!


jupiternwndrlnd said...

*laughs at angie*

I'd look away if I were you.
You're just seeing the photographic aftermath...your not getting the full brunt of the discussions, and clothing decisions, and bodies and eyes and hair--oo the hair.

It's dangerous....and you thought customs were pricey *snicker*