Friday, May 15, 2009

I will hug you and squeeze you and love you forever!

Yesterday, the girls and I met up with Aunt Sue and Haley to go to the park. The girls hadn't seen Haley in a very long time, and Olivia was very much so overdue some time with her. They did great (though Aunt Sue did call Olivia an 'independant little cuss' at one point, since the chick couldn't stay near us if she tried.) Oh there was that one moment where Olivia couldn't stay out of a strangers stroller where Goldfish crackers lie. Just kill me now!

But the cutest was when Haley and Claire were reclining in the swing. The park we go to is actually a playground at a school for disabled children, so their playground is disable-happy, if you will. This swing is actually meant for wheelchairs... but they make for fun recliners too.


Of course I say, 'Claire! Look over at Mommy!' to which Haley 'helps'
But the best part of the day, for me at least, was going back to Aunt Sues school to see the baby chickens. Their science department aparently hatches chicks every year, and these had just hatched the day before. They still had their egg tooths (it can't be teeth, they only have one) and everything. I think Aunt Sue said there were 22 in all. The girls LOVED them, especially since their cage was on the ground, right at their level. Claire especially loved them. At one point when I was holding one, she managed to snatch it from me, and in her excitement, give it a biiiiiiig squeeze *winces for the poor chicken* If I didn't fear for that dang chicks life, I would have snapped a photo... but in its best interest, I just took it away from her (though I keep fearing I'm going to get an email about the mysterious death of one of the chicks)
134 of 365: Keep that little one away from me!

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