Thursday, May 21, 2009

a little lesson in RAW

I was trying to convince Andi to shoot in RAW today, and realized that while I was fumbling with words, I could just show her with a photo... and since I made it, of course I'll show it here. *grins*

So, best I can describe, a JPG file is to a printed photo - as a RAW file is to a negative. There's more information in a RAW file, making it easier to correct exposure and white balance mistakes.

Today I took the girls outside, and I knew an image I took of Claire would be a great example. Totally underexposed. So here you are:


The edit I did was really fast... so I accidentally gave Claire crazy eyes - but it at least shows what I was trying to say. There's just more information in a RAW file, to recover parts of an image. Here's the finished/less crazy eyed Claire.


141 of 365: Hmmmmm

Oh and lets take a moment to speak to Olivia. Olivia darling, can mommy take your picture?

Well alright then.

1 comment:

Andi @ Love Like Crazy said...

*DIES LOLing at O*

seriously, I haven't laughed that hard in a while.

Maybe it was your insanely appropriate captioning, as I have in fact said those things myself and gotten similar results.

BTW, I'm currently trying RAW. You=awesome. Me= impressionable. :)