Thursday, December 31, 2009

The girls have a bad couple of days

Tim's birthday was the 6th of December. He wanted the afternoon to himself (he wanted to play bloody video games that I don't allow when the girls are up) so I took the girls to my parents house to play with Haley.

Claire was acting very sleepy. Which wasn't like her.

Olivia and Haley were acting rambuncious. Which is very much like them. At one point, while Olivia and Haley were chasing each other around the downstairs, Olivia ran into a wall. Well, not really a wall... one of those ledges that stick out and visually divide a room, but other then that serve no purpose. Well other then to stop Olivia dead in her tracks.

So Olivia's crying and carrying on, and I'm getting her and Haley set up on the couch, and Karens getting a boo boo bunny out (which Olivia asks for frequently now when she falls at Grandmas) and Haley yells that Olivia's bleeding. She wasn't - she was bruising. She banged up the bone above her eye pretty badly, but we were hoping it would just pink up, and then go down.

During this, Claire is just laying around. She was glassy-eyed during dinner (which I made her eat) and just overall... limp. It wasn't until I picked her up to put her on my lap after the whole Olivia wall incident that I realized she was BURNING UP! Turned out she had a fever of 103.5 degrees. Way to make me feel like a bad mom!

So we packed everyone up, and ruined Tims birthday.

340 of 365: poor girl

We woke up Monday morning, and was greeted by Olivia's shiner. It was impressive. Better then the black eye Claire had gotten a few months ago.

be 1

be 2

be 3

341 of 365: Shoulda seen the other guy


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