Monday, June 8, 2009

back on track with the 365

Not that I was ever off track... just not posting them. So here's a little get back on track session...

147 of 365: We don't say NOW!
I don't know what started it, but Olivia says "NOW" for everything. She wants shoes now. She wants juice now. She wants Oobi now. The now thing is driving me insane!!

148 of 365: Just take a shot before bed
I got really sick right before the wedding. Super duper bad timing. So the Thursday before the rehersal dinner, I just kept downing Nyquil and sleeping. My stepmom thinks Nyquil is usless, and that you feel more like crap when you get up, because you're essentially hung over. I kinda believe that, so I'm off to trying new medications.

149 of 365: All the pretty colors
Its actually the ash-tray at the McCoy Center where the wedding was held. I took this shot before the start of the rehersal dinner the night before. Had I been thinking about the 365 project the next day, I would have thought to take a photo at the end of the wedding... after all the smokers were done putting out their butts. The thing was packed full of cigarettes! But alas, wedding day I thought about the wedding only, and missed that shot. At least I got the pretty rocks before they became butt hutts.

150 of 365: Tiny steps, tiny steps
I love any image from the wedding where Amber's trying to walk without messing up her dress. I don't know if its the shoes, or the fact that the dress is so big and she's so small, but its just funny to me. Love ya Amber!


music theory mommy said...

it must be the "3's" with the whole NOW thing...peyton does the same thing...and when i say, no...later...he says "oh please please please?" just like little bill on tv...sigh...toddlers...what do we do with them?

fantabulous pics btw....i sooooo want to get married again (to jeff still of course) just so you can come play photographer! amazing stuff!

jupiternwndrlnd said...

it's because there is a lot of dress and she is so tiny....don't EVER blame the shoes >.<