Sunday, June 28, 2009

my favorite time of year

So those have been around know that I take photos of Olivia every year around her birthday in my wedding dress. I do a similar thing with Claire (in my fancy winter coat, since her birthday is in December, you can see that post here along with Olivia's past dress incarnations) and its probably my favorite tradition we have. I love getting out my dress... love setting everything up. Every year I do find myself hoping that next year will be easier. Olivia's not the most pleasant person to put into uncomfortable situations, and she definetly finds the itchy wedding dress uncomfortable. But this year, we did get some smiling images.



(my fav of the unhappy's)


it's like she's grabbing at suspenders!

And I took some of Claire as well, for her half year


Now I know what you're asking. You're asking, Heather how in the world did you get the girls to smile?? Well, we pulled out all the stops this year. Because she was just not having it at all! We let Vash (the cat) out, and Tim brought out MONSTER since the girls are still obsessed with it. Which brings us to the day...

163 of 365: Please be Entertained



Effects of Beauty said...

so cute!!! I want a little girl to do that to.

jupiternwndrlnd said...

always a favorite!

haha - vash looks thrilled with this situation...