Sunday, June 28, 2009

sometimes you have to split frame them

So we're getting closer to caught up here!

164 of 365: We'll keep this one
My next door neighbers had a garage sale, and at the end of it, let me dig through what was left. It was really really nice of them! The girls were napping while I collected stuff, and when they got up, they decided to wear everything in the bag. Claire found Blue and it was love at first sight.

165 of 365: excitement
We took the girls to the zoo. Olivia's at a great age for the zoo... she knows her animals, makes all of the noises, and understands that what she's looking at is real and not tv. The Columbus Zoo has a baby elephant, and the girls were pretty psyched about it. Obviously Tim was too.

and some other fun shots of Olivia from the day...
Olivia with the shark
High Five Tiger!!
Olivia with tiger

Now with every day, I couldn't decide on one photo... so you get two morphed into one. It tells the stories better.

166 of 365: What? It's comfortable!
Found Claire sitting in her new bin of legos. I found her because I heard the racket she was making attempting to get out. She just couldn't get her footing to get out by herself.

167 of 365: I do it
My stepmom and I had a 'silent conversation' (all daughters have had this conversation with their moms... where no words actually transpire, but you know exactly what each other is thinking) about the fact that Olivia wasn't able to drink out of a cup. She really couldn't... was very confused by the whole process. And we hadn't bothered teaching her because, well frankly, it was just easier not to. Claires still in sippy cups, so whats the big deal?? Well it became a big deal when we went to Aunt Sues and forgot to bring sippy cups along. Aunt Jane got Olivia cups to practice with on her birthday, and now she's a cup drinking champ!

168 of 365: I can fly!
I took this right before going down to bed, because I was exhausted. Just being honest here! So I wasn't paying a huge attention to my settings, and took two very poorly exposed photos. So I did some weird effect to them. Whatever - Claire is still cute.


1 comment:

jupiternwndrlnd said...

yay for Tiger high fives!