Monday, July 13, 2009

so many choices!

It happens a lot that I get torn between two photos to use in my 365. Especially when I've taken images of the girls. They're just so expressive! Anyways, this day was another torn day.

Here's the loser:

Claire Cheesing

Yeah, its Claire cheesing like normal. But here's the winner:
185 of 365: oh hell no!

Claire's been giving us 'the look' now for quite a while. It's an impressive stare down coming from such a tiny body. I believe I got this one shortly after the cheesing picture, because I had asked Claire to say "Mommy" instead of "Cheese." I'll take that as a no Claire.



jupiternwndrlnd said...

that's my girl!
cause cheeeeeese is way more fun than "mommy" pffttt!

cupcakefail said...

so cute!!!!!! her cheese is just like shaye's! love it :)