Sunday, April 26, 2009

All about Claire

I swear I'm not ignoring Olivia... she's just almost 3, and frankly a little trying, so I haven't been... inspired... by her lately. But Claire man, she's just hammin it up for the camera lately!

So on Thursday, while Claire was eating lunch, I pulled out the camera to take some photos of her. I felt like it had been far too long since I took real portrait photos, and I wanted to get back in the swing of it. Claire at first was uninterested in what I was doing, but then started throwing her head back and "eeeeee"ing at me. After her doing it a couple times, I realized she was actually saying "cheese." Adorable and hilarious at the same time. What made it funnier was her mouth was just stuffed with chicken nuggets, and she was just spraying all over the place. I seriously laughed out loud even while editting these photos! I couldn't pick one or two or even three to show... so you're getting just about all of them here.

113 of 365: I didn't do anything, promise!








Well then on Friday, Claire took a bad turn. We think she might finally be teething again. But she was just a poor lumpy baby for a while... until we got some popsicles in her.

114 of 365: What a difference a day makes



Tims mom had been predicting for a while that Claire would fall asleep on her rocking horse. She loves that thing, and really does kinda treat it like it's a swing. Well Tim was rocking her, and waved me over when he realized she was sleeping. So yep Carolyn, you were right.

115 of 365: time for a snooze

And with that, I'm finally caught up on the 365 project! Yay! Hopefully I can try to keep it updated more often ;)

1 comment:

Andi @ Love Like Crazy said...

Poor princess....she looks so SICK! That last one is adorable, but the cheesers FTW! <3