Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Might actually get caught up to today

I got a wisdom tooth pulled on Monday, and it's slowing down my blogging process. But, I think I'm caught up to yesterday in the 365 project. YAY!

87 of 365: Grandpa makes the best walls
Claire is so much more social then Olivia was at this age. My family loves it. And so do I!

88 of 365: MOMMY a PIGTAILS!
Saying Olivia let me put pigtails in her hair would be flat out lying. It was more like, me pinning her down until the bands were around her hair. Cute result though

89 of 365: Stop... staring... at me!!
I don't even know why we have this Yoda doll. Or why I photographed it. Must have been nerves before the dental thing. It's creepy.

90 of 365: BIG smiles!
Claire is just all smiles right now. She's all proud of herself for climbing up on things. I'm just proud that she is now able to get down. Three days of climbing up on the couch only to scream about not being able to get down was getting old.

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