Sunday, April 12, 2009

My nephew, and why I'm walking

On April 26th, I'm walking 5 miles for the March of Dimes. I've supported the March of Dimes for years... I think it started when I started working at FedEx, since they were a sponser of the organization, and had fliers around about the cause. I kept it up when my nephew was born.

Niko was born very premature. Under 30 weeks (I tend to confuse the actual week... I want to say 27 weeks, but I could very well be wrong on that)... He was a pound and an ounce or so, and only 11 inches long. About the size of a Grande Beef Burrito at Taco Bell. I believe this photo was taken when he was only a few days old, and he's holding onto his fathers hand.

Niko hand

If you would like to sponser me in my walk, go to and the page will prompt you on how you can support me.

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