Tuesday, April 14, 2009


It's so not my fault this time on why I'm so far behind!! This week, Jeremy and I are completely overhauling my basement, and making it into my super fantastic studio. Jeremy is unlike any teenage boy I know... showing up at my house at 8am, actually finishing work he starts, never complaining... its unreal really.

But, because of his wonderful work ethic... I'm left exhausted at the end of the day. Today was the first day I uploaded my camera in over a week!! I KNOW!! So, I decided I had to upload the camera before bed tonight, and at least edit one to show. I picked one from Easter. We went all over the world on Easter (ok, so my parents house, and Tims parents house.) At the egg hunt at Tims parents house, Claire partnered up with Tims Grandpa while hunting. It was so dang adorable. The oldest with the youngest. And I think the both of them had a blast!


There's lots of great photos from both houses, so hopefully I'll get a break from building to be able to work on them (plus there's all those basement photos to show!)


music theory mommy said...

you sooooooo have to frame that pic for tim's grandpa...that is about the sweetest pic i've seen in awhile! its hard to say who was having the better time! *hugs*

jupiternwndrlnd said...

this photo = LOVE

one of those perfect candid moments! awesome job heather!

Unknown said...

Dude, This pic is sweet and the blog entry has my name in it!