Thursday, April 23, 2009

he renovates AND plays sports

So I couldn't make my studio in the basement without Jeremy's help. He had a soccer game on my end of town, that just happened to be the same night as the first play-off game for the Blue Jackets. I was concerned he wouldn't have anyone watching his game (since they'd want to watch the hockey)... and I always love an excuse to take photos, so I decided to watch him play. And I think not knowing much about soccer... kinda hurt LOL! I was never really sure what was going on. And on the technical end, my color is all over the place... I think the setting sun had something to do with that. So here's some shots I got that I liked, for no reason other then I liked them :)

Jeremy's the goalie... thankfully... because I would have had a hard time picking him out otherwise!

Boys dribbling..

I think our team was on the attack (we're blue)

Okay, Jeremy kicking the ball was my favorite part, because he jumps! According to him, he kicks with so much force, that trying to stop his foot after the kicking the ball actually hurts him. So instead of trying to stop, he just jumps, to let the momentum die out naturally. He's so tall, that he jumps way high! And I think at this point, we all know how much I love jumping shots ;)


and finally, 106 of 365: He blocks a goal!

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