Wednesday, April 1, 2009

the tooth that started it all

I'd like to say that my tooth broke because I fell, or because someone hit me... but no... my tooth broke because I had poor dental hygene for years and years. This tooth breaking is what prompted me to even start going to the dentist again after 10 years of going without. Luckily, the tooth I broke was a wisdom tooth, and the dentists decided that pulling it was the best option. After telling them about my 365 project, they let me keep the tooth. And man, the hole in it was bigger then I thought it was!

91 of 365: Brush your teeth!

Honestly, I felt a little silly asking for the tooth back... until the dentist left me alone in the room with the assistant lady. She came up to me and tells me what I find to be a funny funny story. Apparently, she also asked for all of her wisdom teeth when she had them pulled. And she kept her braces. Really... apparently you can keep those! Well then, in dental school or whatever, she had to make molds of her own teeth.... she glued her braces onto the molds she made!! How funny is that! Maybe I just find it funny because its so something I would do. :)
Brush your teeth folks!

1 comment:

Andi @ Love Like Crazy said...

YAY for dentistry! :)

I'm glad you got the tooth out...they're HUGE when you look at them after the fact, aren't they? @.@ I was geeked out by mine. LOL

Sounds like your dental assistant was a riot! :)