Friday, April 17, 2009

construction: where we started, and where we are now

Okay, some of these photos are 365 day photos, but I haven't decided which yet, so you'll probably see them again.

So I've been absent from life this week, because Jeremy and I are working on my new studio. Now that we're in the final stretch, I think its going to be so dang cool! I figure the best way to do this is break it down by day... so here goes!

Day one. I had no idea what we were going to do. I had cleaned out the basement down to a couple things of furniture and brick a brack stuff. I figured Jeremy would come over, look things over, and give me an idea of what we would do. Jeremy did come over, did look things over, and said "Lets move this stuff so we can break down some walls." Which we did. Friday ended up being demo day, where we took down all the walls, and the carpet out (though I didn't take any photos after we got the carpet out.) I spent the night killing mold.

(oh and Jeremy's 6'4"... I swear I'm not short, he's just very very tall) D1 01

D1 02

D1 03

D1 04

Easter. We took the day off.

Broke my bank account! We bought most all of the supplies. We rented a truck from Home Depot, and had to race to get everything to the house, and then get the truck back in 75 minutes. Did I mention it was raining? Apparently, drywall is supposed to stay dry at all times, so there was lots of tarping, and fast tiny steps going on as we lugged it around. We spent the rest of that day hanging new lights... which were a pain to hang, and we didn't even finish....

Bare bones
D2 01

D2 02

D2 03

D2 04

I picked the two hardest lights to hang ever! We got the one hung the day before, and the swivel light had to be put in today. Once we got the lights in, though, it was time to hang drywall. Jeremy cracks me up. Constantly really. This day because he loves to score, and then break off drywall. Granted it is pretty cool, but he was truly thrilled with it each time. Which was good... because we had a lot to hang..... until we ran out of drywall >.<

D3 01

(yep... not enough back there)
D3 02

D3 03

Borrowed Tims dad and his truck, and picked up 4 more sheets of drywall (yeah, we were waaay off there.) Once we got that hung, it was time to mud. Now, everyone, and I mean everyone, that I'd talked to, complained about mudding. Long, boring, tedious... no one seems to like it. Well... I kinda enjoy it. Not the corners, mind you... those suck. But the screw holes, and the joints... yeah I don't mind it so much. Plus we decided to have the radio on that day. I enjoy the company of people unashamed to sing along to the radio... awesome!

D4 01

D4 02

D4 03

We were hoping for Thursday to be an off day to let the mud dry. But we didn't mud the corners the day before (Jeremy forgot his cool wedge like spatula thingie that makes cornering easy) so we went ahead and did the corners on Thursday. We also did a second coat of mud. I also got paint swatches, since I figured I should figure that out soon.

(nice little purple entrance)
D5 03

(went with the lower purple)
D5 01

(and the white to the left)
D5 02

Friday (today)
No photos yet today. We sanded. And sanded. And sanded. And you know what? I hate sanding! I said that, and Jeremy's response... "Finally!" Apparently I have liked far too much of this process for his taste LOL! After sanding, we went to Home Depot (again) to get a different crown molding, and some trim for my door. And I've started priming all the moldings.

The plans for tomorrow? PAINTING! Lots and lots and lots of painting. Do you like to paint?? Come on over!! I'm being dead serious here... I have many many things to paint, and we can't do anything else until it all happens. Maybe there'll be some pizza in it for ya. Or donuts. Or a small toddler. Whatever floats your boat!

I'll more photos here for you soon... but for now, I need to prime. And paint. And paint. And paint. I think its turning out great though!!

1 comment:

Effects of Beauty said...

oh it looks so good!!!!!!!!