Monday, February 23, 2009

52 & 53

We don't get Chinese food very often, but when we do, we somehow manage to spend over $30 every time. Which makes for lots of leftovers. Luckily, all the leftovers are gone within 2 days.

And I made my weekend treck to my parents house on Sunday. Their neighbor came over with her new baby (EE!!) so I took some great shots of her. Karen wanted me to try to get a shot of Olivia on this rocker. I know it was Karens when she was little, and I think (I'm probably messing this up) that is was also her moms when she was little. I could be making that up - but its definetly an old chair (I'm always concerned it will break when kids sit on it - very creaky that thing.) So for day 53, I took a shot of it just by itself.

I had a great photography Sunday, so I have a couple more posts to follow!

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