Monday, February 16, 2009

fifty four... plus a blanket

I'd been thinking about cataloging Olivia's crib toys for a few weeks now. After seeing the photo of her in her crib looking desperately for Mickey Mouse, I figured it was time. So the photos aren't all that great in terms of composition, but they do fully document just how many (54 to be exact) things there are in her crib.

Misc items

Kitty, Ingo, Lily the frog, Pink Mouse, Elfant, Elfant, Elfant (really Eeore, but she calls him elephant) Bear, Doggie, Doggie, Pony, Tinger, Pantsa, Doggie, Truck, and this weird square thing that she stole from Claire... she doesn't call it anything. All on her towel (its a blanket.. go figure she calls it a towel)

Current tally: 16

Dora and Blue

Big Dora, Little Dora, Big Bwu, Bwu, and Bwu.

Current tally: 21


Baybee, Baybee, Baybee, and Baybee

Current tally: 25

Tasha, Tyronnnnn, Pabwo, Eeequa, aStin, (the ones laying down are 'bad' ones... she rejects them frequently) Tasha, Pabwo, Tyronnnnn

Current tally: 33

Yo Gabba Gabba

Foofa, Pwex, Brobeee, Brobeee, Uno, Tooootie

Current tally: 39

Other toys on TV

Monster, Eenie pig, Pinky, Tyler, Ikmin (purple pikmin... from a video game) and Wubsey

Current tally: 45

(from bottom) Sessy Pus, Gween Pus, Pupol Pus, Sessy Pus, and Sessy Pus

Current Tally: 50

And finally

Mickey Mouse
(she was watching "Meemee Mouse Schoolhouse" when I took this, which is why they're not in her room)

Innie, Meemee Mouse, Innie, and Meemee Mouse
Final score: 54 plus a blanket
That. Is insane!


jupiternwndrlnd said...

I love the pus pile!!
I have 2...<3

music theory mommy said...

i saw mama doggie in there :) does she seriously sleep with all of those?