Friday, February 6, 2009

Reasons why video games (even the healthy ones) and myself don't mix

My parents got a Wii Fit. When the Wii Fit first came out, I knew I'd want one... but I couldn't justify spending the $90 to get one. No big deal though... out of sight out of mind.

Until my parents got one last weekend. And I played it. And then I begged Tim for one. And then he got me one. And then I played. And played. And played.

The upside - I've lost 2.2 pounds according to the cynical little pad
The downside - I've completely ignored life for 3 days... hadn't talked to Holly, hadn't really been online, and I have about 8 hours of TiVo to attempt to watch at some point. So here's an attempt to catch up on something (because I have taken photos every day)

the newest project
Since there's so many babies I want to photograph right now, I'm knitting a cocoon to place them in. It'll be adorable whenever it happens.

She never wears a hat... and that day she kept it on... and kept looking up at me since it was so pulled down over her eyes. So cute!

I need to leave exactly one half hour before I need to arrive at work. And even then, I'll still be 5 minutes late (which is on time in my world.) I should have left at 11pm.

stay awake Olivia
she always wants to fall asleep on the car ride home from Aunt Wendy's house. I tried taking her photo at a stoplight to get her attention. Obviously it worked *rolls eyes*

oh how you suck away my time
Yep, there it is. The Fit. I love it. More then I really should. I'm a hoola-hooping machiene I tell you!!!

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