Friday, February 20, 2009

Just your typical Friday (or Wednesday really)

Every Wednesday and Friday, the girls go with Grandma over to their cousins house. It's a great time for them... gets them out of the house, and interacting with other small people. The only downside is they tend to fall asleep in the car. Lately I've been dealing with the issue of "Do I wake them, or let them sleep?"

On one hand, if I wake them, there's no guarentee they'll nap again. They'll be cranky due to lack of sleep, and stay cranky for a long portion of the day.

On the other hand, if I let them sleep, I have to hover over the car until they wake up. Sometimes over an hour later.

Lately I've been letting them sleep. I'd rather them be less cranky later, then deal with the wraths of those two. Plus it makes for cute photos!!

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